Stall Assessment

Initial assessment criteria:

  • Uniqueness of product
  • Creative input into product
  • An informative, creative and original display
  • Ethical sourcing/manufacturing process (e.g. recycled products, fair trade)
  • Customer education (information on the products visually and verbally available to customers)
  • Interaction of stall and stallholder with Greenwich Market and the public
  • Informed salesmanship (full knowledge of the processes involved in bringing the product to market)

Negative factors in assessment are:

  • Lack of creative input into product and display
  • Limited stock
  • Imported/wholesale products
  • Common product type *

* Please note that Greenwich Market does not offer exclusivity to any traders on the Market, but the Management will consider matters such as quality control and clash of stock when deciding whether to offer a new trader the opportunity to trade on a casual basis following the assessment.

Negative factors in assessment are:

  • Lack of creative input into product and display
  • Limited stock
  • Imported/wholesale products
  • Common product type

Please note that Greenwich Market does not offer exclusivity to any traders on the market but the Market manager will consider matters such as quality control and clash of stock when deciding whether to offer a new trader the opportunity to trade on a casual basis following the assessment.

  • Casual stall places are only ever offered after a one on one exhibition has taken place.
  • Required equipment and materials for trade

Greenwich Market provides:

  • A metal stall structure frame 7 feet wide x 7 feet high x 5 feet deep
  • A wooden tabletop that is between 3 and 3.5 feet deep – the table can be moved from the front to back of the stall or can be taken out altogether
  • A power point is available to each stall

Traders must bring:

  • Food Traders: Before you trade you MUST bring hard copies of all relevant documents when you trade. This includes FSA, PLI, Food and Safety certs and allergens)
  • You must have a hard copy of your PLI (Public Liability Insurance covering £5 million, £10 million for Food Traders)
  • Signage (Must display business name and written information about the product)
  • Your own extension cord (7-10 metres)
  • Lighting for your stall (All leads, and appliances must be brand new or electrically PAT tested. Power is limited to 100 Watts per stall, so please use Low energy or eco bulbs)
  • Stall covering that must reach floor at front of stall (measurements of the stall are above)
  • Cover for overhead of stall
  • Any other relevant documents related to your product/brand/company (Skincare and alcohol licensing etc.)
  • Please note all food Traders must email their menu before trading

Regular stalls

Regularity is not obtained by time served on the market but by frequency of trading.

Familiarisation with the market

Once you are successful in your application, all your questions about facilities, setting up times, storage can be answered by the Market Management.